How to Paint a Fabric Doll Face

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how to paint a doll face plushie 101 series

How to Paint a Fabric Doll Face

1- pick your style and design for your face

2- pick your supplies- acrylic paint in the color you choose and if you’d like the pain more permanent, use textile medium as well. Small or narrow brushes are the best and will allow you the most control.

3- transfer your face design to the doll face

4- carefully paint your face

Let dry before using. Add any additional layers or colors or whatever after the paint dries. Do any kind of touch ups as well.

Painted doll face tutorials:

What you’ll find in the Everything You Want To Know About Sewing Dolls & Plushies series:  Free tutorials, multiple options, ideas, inspiration….

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The Plushie 101 series - Everything You Want To Know About Sewing Dolls & Plushies is going to help with that!  We are so excited to get this launched and help fill in the gaps when it comes to sewing plushie patterns and dolls.

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